I Was There: The Night Someone Tipped

As a journalist I‘m no stranger to the strange and bizarre, and I confess I heard the story many times over the years, but always put it down to urban myth, or the fanciful ravings of drunken bartenders. The fact that it persisted always intrigued me. So I started digging, more as a hobby at first, and many times I got excited only to have … Continue reading I Was There: The Night Someone Tipped

21 Things you Only Know if You’ve Worked in Hotels

1) Much like prison it’s far easier to get into than it is to leave. 2) No room service professional ever enters a room without expecting to see someone’s knob. 3) Nothing causes the cold hand of fear to grip your bowels like a phone ringing on your day off. 4) Management’s idea of career progression differs greatly from your own. As does their concept … Continue reading 21 Things you Only Know if You’ve Worked in Hotels